bruno amaral

This is My Notebook

We all contain multitudes. People are much more than their Social Media, and those platforms don't give us much room to build on.

This is my playground and scrapbook where I share what I know, what I do, and what I am thinking about.

Inside these pages there are blog posts, in-depth articles, projects, and even games. Each of them, a different piece of me.


Latest Writing

weekly notes

Values and decision making, Consulting in the age of AI, and how to learn to code

What matters is not just what we say, it’s also how we do things This should go without saying but it was meaningful to me this week. Alongside the Multiple Sclerosis, Gregory AI, there is also a non-profit that was setup to handle donations and expense. Altough I’m still covering the totality right now. The non-profit is called Human Singularity Network and Our values are simple. Humanity, Inspiration through technology, and Transparency.
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by Bruno Amaral, 05-May-2024



Dive into a story or project

black and white photo of a male figure surrounded by fog
Puzzled Storytelling Crypto Novel

Can you solve the puzzles to unlock the next chapter?

photo of an open notebook with a pencil between the pages
Weekly Notes

Short review of the week and useful tools

photo of a coffee cup and a brown notebook
creativity The Coffee Journal

I know very well why this notebook exists and why I began writting down loose thoughts and scribbles.


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